
History of the Collection

I started to play the flute at the age of ten. My teachers were Eduard Bärfuss (Lenzburg), Jean Poulain at the Conservatory of Zürich, Bernhard Batschelet (Basel) and Wendy Quinlan (Brussels). In addition I took part in master classes with Marcel Moyse and Peter Lukas Graf. Although I reached a good level, I decided to study biology at the University of Basel, thus making my second passion - the interest in nature and its preservation – my main profession. But I never abandoned the flute and play it regularly with great pleasure.

In 2004 I discovered the charm of the early traverso flute. For five years I took lessons at the Schola Cantorum Basel with Liane Ehlich and attended master classes with Andreas Kröper, Lisa Beznosiuk, Rachel Brown, Marten Root and Barthold Kuijken. Fascinated by the variety of these instruments, their constructive evolution and distinct sound proprieties, I started to collect original instruments. I found first specimens in antique shops, some on the internet and later – with a growing network - also in direct contact with musicians and collectors. In 2014 I was fortunate to take over the important collection of the Basel flautists Joseph Bopp (1908 – 1982) and his son Charles-Joseph Bopp (1942 – 2013).

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